Configuration data object (cfg_data)

This object encapsulates configuration values to be used for generating configuration files. A more in-depth description can be found in the the configuration wiki page.

Returned by

Configuration data object objects are returned by the following functions and methods:

Configuration data object methods


Returns the value of varname, if the value has not been set returns default_value if it is defined (since 0.38.0) and errors out if not


(since 0.38.0)

# Returns the value of `varname`, if the
str | int | bool get(
  str              varname,           # The name of the variable to query
  str | int | bool [default_value],   # The default value to return when `varname` does not exist


The method cfg_data.get() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to query

default_value str | int | bool

The default value to return when varname does not exist



Returns the value of varname but without surrounding double quotes ("). If the value has not been set returns default_value if it is defined and errors out if not.


(since 0.44.0)

# Returns the value
str | int | bool get_unquoted(
  str              varname,           # The name of the variable to query
  str | int | bool [default_value],   # The default value to return when `varname` does not exist


The method cfg_data.get_unquoted() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to query

default_value str | int | bool

The default value to return when varname does not exist



returns true if the specified variable is set


# returns `true` if the specified variable is set
bool has(
  str varname,     # The name of the variable to query


The method cfg_data.has() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to query


Returns an array of keys of the configuration data object.

You can iterate over this array with the foreach statement.


(since 0.57.0)

list[str] keys()


Takes as argument a different configuration data object and copies all entries from that object to the current.


(since 0.42.0)

# Takes as argument a different
void merge_from(
  cfg_data other,     # The other cfg_data object to merge into this one.


The method cfg_data.merge_from() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
other cfg_data

The other cfg_data object to merge into this one.


Sets a variable to a given value


# Sets a variable to a given value
void set(
  str              varname,     # The name of the variable to set
  str | int | bool value,       # The value to set

  # Keyword arguments:
  description : str  # Message / Comment that will be written in the


The method cfg_data.set() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to set

value str | int | bool

The value to set

Finally, cfg_data.set() accepts the following keyword arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
description str

Message / Comment that will be written in the result file. The replacement assumes a file with C syntax. If your generated file is source code in some other language, you probably don't want to add a description field because it most likely will cause a syntax error.


Is the same as cfg_data.set() but the value is either true or false and will be written as 1 or 0, respectively


# Is the same as cfg_data.set() but the value
void set10(
  str        varname,     # The name of the variable to set
  bool | int value,       # The value to set as either `1` or `0`

  # Keyword arguments:
  description : str  # Message / Comment that will be written in the

numeric values < 0 have the surprising behavior of being converted to true, values > 1 have the more expected but unintentional behavior of being interpreted as true.


The method cfg_data.set10() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to set

value bool | int

The value to set as either 1 or 0

Passing numbers was never intended to work, and since 0.62 it has been deprecated. It will be removed in a future version of Meson. If you need to pass numbers use the .set method.

Finally, cfg_data.set10() accepts the following keyword arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
description str

Message / Comment that will be written in the result file. The replacement assumes a file with C syntax. If your generated file is source code in some other language, you probably don't want to add a description field because it most likely will cause a syntax error.


Is same as cfg_data.set() but quotes the value in double quotes (")


# Is same as cfg_data.set() but quotes the value in double quotes (`"`)
void set_quoted(
  str              varname,     # The name of the variable to set
  str | int | bool value,       # The value to set

  # Keyword arguments:
  description : str  # Message / Comment that will be written in the


The method cfg_data.set_quoted() accepts the following positional arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
varname str

The name of the variable to set

value str | int | bool

The value to set

Finally, cfg_data.set_quoted() accepts the following keyword arguments:

Name Type Description Tags
description str

Message / Comment that will be written in the result file. The replacement assumes a file with C syntax. If your generated file is source code in some other language, you probably don't want to add a description field because it most likely will cause a syntax error.

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