Using debug builds

For development work on native code in your Python package, you may want to use a debug build. To do so, we need to pass the -Dbuildtype=debug option, which is equivalent to -Ddebug=true -Doptimization=0, to meson setup. In addition, it is likely most useful to set up an editable build with a fixed build directory. That way, the shared libraries in the installed debug build will contain correct paths, rather than paths pointing to a temporary build directory which meson-python will otherwise use. IDEs and other tools will then be able to show correct file locations and line numbers during debugging.

We can do all that with the following pip invocation:

$ pip install -e . --no-build-isolation \
    -Csetup-args=-Dbuildtype=debug \

This debug build of your package will work with either a regular or debug build of your Python interpreter. A debug Python interpreter isn’t necessary, but may be useful. It can be built from source, or you may be able to get it from your package manager of choice (typically under a package name like python-dbg). Note that using a debug Python interpreter does not yield a debug build of your own package - you must use -Dbuildtype=debug or an equivalent flag for that.


Inside a Conda environment, environment variables like CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS are usually set when the environment is activated. These environment variables contain optimization flags like -O2, which will override the optimization level implied by -Dbuildtype=debug. In order to avoid this, unset these variables:

$ unset CFLAGS
$ unset CXXFLAGS

Finally, note changing the buildtype from its default value of release to debug will also cause meson-python to enable (or better, not disable) assertions by not defining the NDEBUG macro (see b_ndebug under Default build options).