.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The meson-python developers .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT .. _reference-pyproject-settings: **************** Project settings **************** This page lists the configuration settings supported by ``meson-python`` in the ``pyproject.toml`` file. Please refer to the :ref:`how-to-guides-meson-args` guide for for information on how to use them and examples. .. option:: tool.meson-python.limited-api A boolean indicating whether the extension modules contained in the Python package target the `Python limited API`__. Extension modules can be compiled for the Python limited API specifying the ``limited_api`` argument to the |extension_module()|__ function in the Meson Python module. When this setting is set to true, the value ``abi3`` is used for the Python wheel filename ABI tag. This setting is automatically reverted to false when the ``-Dpython.allow_limited_api=false`` option is passed to ``meson setup``. .. option:: tool.meson-python.meson A string specifying the ``meson`` executable or script to use. If it is a path to an existing file with a name ending in ``.py``, it will be invoked as a Python script using the same Python interpreter that is used to run ``meson-python`` itself. It can be overridden by the :envvar:`MESON` environment variable. .. option:: tool.meson-python.args.dist Extra arguments to be passed to the ``meson dist`` command. .. option:: tool.meson-python.args.setup Extra arguments to be passed to the ``meson setup`` command. .. option:: tool.meson-python.args.compile Extra arguments to be passed to the ``ninja`` command. .. option:: tool.meson-python.args.install Extra arguments to be passed to the ``meson install`` command. __ https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/stable.html?highlight=limited%20api#stable-application-binary-interface __ https://mesonbuild.com/Python-module.html#extension_module .. |extension_module()| replace:: ``extension_module()``